Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It all starts here ..

We all have CVs .. BUT ..

  • Is your CV Distinguished enough ???

  • Does your CV cover the important aspects of your Career History ?
  • Does your CV cover your strength points and educational qualifications professionally ?
  • Does your CV reserve you a seat for interviews whenever you send it ?


If Your answer was YES, to the previous questions, then Congratulations : You have a Professional CV

If No, then you need to continue reading the article

It All Starts When a company calls for candidates to apply for a specific position, they first post the vacancy on any volume ( Media, Newspaper, Internet .. etc ). Then the time comes when people start sending their CVs .. And This stage my friends, when you have to be distinguished
To know how important your CV’s distinguishing, imagine that case: an International Company made a job ad in the most popular newspaper in your country, asking for Customer Service Agents, or Customer Service Rep. , and the job is in Cairo, In that case a minimum of 500 person will apply for that job, and you have to consider that the HR Specialist have to go through all of the CVs, only for that listed position, not considering that they have other positions to filter, and other tasks to finish in his job. Accordingly, you have to have a Professional CV and in the same time, short-resume, that takes less time to read, but focuses on the strengths points of your Career History, if any, Educational Qualifications, Core Competencies..

Because that CV will lead you to the Interview, in which you will have a face-to-face meeting with the contact person ( the person in charge of interviewing you )

So, Your CV is mainly responsible for getting you the job at first place
Do you know when people actually send their CVs everywhere and still get no response ?? That’s because they don’t have a professional CV, they couldn’t distinguish themselves from the other people  applying for that position, which are in that case competitors.

So, before sending a CV, prepare it first, just as you pay a lot of attention to the Interview, and make rehearsals, your CV is not an exception

And By the way, this is not for Fresh Graduates or undergraduates only, It applies to everyone. Some people who have considerable number of experience in some field ex.: 15 or 25 years of experience Can’t get the chance to have an interview for the same reason, because their CV didn’t highlight their skills, and didn't show the reason why they should hire YOU …


  1. so ... how to write a professional CV plzz is there any more articles ??

  2. We are talking about the 1st step to be hired, and that is what really happens in the reality. Actually, nowadays people think like that; I'll create an awesome resume, just 15 MIN in any net-cafe, then simply ask the clerk about this wonderful folder which content template of good resumes, then just remove name, and contact info. NOW I have a professional C.V, Wrong and you have nothing else you just wasting your time.

  3. thnx a7mad for ur effort and happy feast for u

  4. Mohammed, to write professional CVs, you either have to read from some websites online on how to do it, and then you can do it yourself, or go to professional agencies that provide these services

  5. Thank you ahmed for your post,
    I wounder is there any exact way to follow to make CVs' distinguishable??
    Is the experiences you had make your CV distinguishable or the way you express your experiences??
    Is the capabilities you did show through your experiences or the capabilities you can show??
    I think the best way to make your CV distibguishable is to rebuild your CV every time you apply for a job to show your skills that match the competencies required for the job.

  6. Dear Anonymous , Concerning your questions
    1- Best way to make your CV distinguished is to use the best words that express strength (ex. Achieved, Accomplished, .. etc. )

    2- Both distinguish your CV, the experiences you had, and the way you express them

    3- Capabilities should be the ones you can show (because for example if you are applying for a job and you are fresh graduates, you have no capabilities :) BUT, when you provide Capabilities that you can show, you have to stick to that commitment, or else it will lead to negative consequences

    4- Yes, we should always update our resumes, and you know what .. we should actually have different CVs for different positions
    meaning if you are applying for any job, you should have a CV for Customer Service, that demonstrates that skills needed by CS Rep.
    If you are applying for an HR position, you should demonstrate the skills that match that job

    This way, you will have a specific, and direct CVs that will get you the seats for the interviews

    Good Luck :)

  7. and Finally can i do it ..!!!!

  8. good article Ahmed , would you please go ahead & continue.
